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3 for the Price of 1? The Benefits of Investing in Multiple Properties

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We hear so much about bad investments but it certainly seems that real estate is one of the most sensible investments in the world. But is this actually the case all the time? Properties are a great way to help get your investment portfolio more diverse, however many investors will aspire to own more than one property. Is this a viable approach? Let’s show you some of the benefits of investing in multiple properties.

The Potential for Diversification

When you invest in one property, there will be a time when the location comes to the end of its natural life cycle. Something that unit development companies always consider is the importance of location. And it’s important to consider this when you are investing in multiple properties. When you invest in the properties and different areas of different units, such as in up and coming areas, you are always diversifying your growth. So you will always get growth out of one property.

It Improves Your Cash Flow

When you invest in one property, it certainly can slowly reap the rewards, however, investing in one property won’t turn you into a fully-fledged property developer overnight. One property does not equip you for financial freedom, as you will need to keep up with repaying the mortgage, and a lot of your income will go back into the property. When you invest in more than one property, you can use the income to pay down the mortgage and live off the spare cash. When you start to invest in multiple properties, you will have to read them out, so you can make the most from this aspect as well. Naturally, over time, each property will appreciate in value. So when it comes to selling off, after you haven’t paid the mortgage, you can enjoy the equity.

Multiple Properties Spread the Risk

If you have one property and it’s empty, can you afford to prop this up? When you have investments in multiple properties called that you are spreading the risk if you encounter the worst-case scenario. You won’t feel the impact of an empty property, so you spread the risk, and therefore, you are able to keep progressing further forward.

The Financial Security

When you invest in multiple properties, and one does particularly well, you can use the same one as a financial buffer for any underperforming properties. When you have one property, and it’s underperforming, you cannot use this as a buffer in case anything goes wrong.

It Decreases Your Debt

If you invest in multiple properties and sell them off to pay off debt, by the time you retire, you’ve got a very small and concentrated portfolio of properties without any depth. Having one property doesn’t give you access to equity.

Investing in multiple properties gives you a chance to diversify your portfolio, minimize your risk, but it’s not as simple as this. When you invest in multiple properties, you’ve got to be aware of all the risks, and do your homework. It can be the best thing for anyone looking to diversify their portfolio or leave their current working situation. But always prepare.

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Quick Ways To Improve Your Home’s Exterior

Photo: Unsplash

It is the envy of any homeowner when the external appearance of their house is as perfect as possible. The key to achieving this takes into account several elements: exterior cladding, facades, windows, cladding, etc. All can be essential to customize the exterior decoration of a house. Exterior development work is part of a large-scale renovation project and sometimes requires huge investments. If you want to undertake major work that focuses on the exterior, such as adding new elements, you must certainly ask for professional assistance. However, some touches can be undertaken by yourself to enhance the exterior decoration of your residence.

Exterior painting: the first step

The choice of exterior paint acts as an exterior cladding and comes after the masonry work. It is the final element that will play a key role. Just like the role it plays in interior design, painting is also the protagonist that will make up the exterior of the house. Of course, it is essential to choose paints suitable for the exterior, which will also contribute to insulation from the outside in an effective way. You don’t want the paint to be short-wearing.

And because their application is partly related to a facelift, take the time to think carefully about all the possibilities. It is convenient for the color of your façade to follow the trends of the moment. For example gray tones for a contemporary style house, off-white for a house poorly exposed to the sun, warm tones for a welcoming façade, or cool tones for a relaxed atmosphere.

Value the appearance and functions of your doors

The gate is the first rampart between your home and the outside, but also the first impression. That is why it must also be attractive and robust. To make a good choice of this element, it is necessary to consider the style adopted inside and outside the house. It must also be coordinated with the other striking exterior details of the house: lighting, wood cladding, siding, fences. The same applies to your doors and windows. That is why you could consider Renewal by Andersen Window Replacement. It takes the stress out of your hands.

This is a real added value, not only in terms of the function but also its style. If your home’s windows and doors are new and updated, you will easily create added value to your property. If you have considered changing the frames and guttering, that also assists. It will keep the home free from any damp, or dirt that may collect.

The details are always important

The mailbox, garden, and doors are small things that can improve or mitigate the exterior appearance of a property. This can be done without the intervention of an interior designer. The house number, door handle, and alarm systems can keep visitors or even potential buyers away if they look outdated. Remember to coordinate these functions with a common theme or colors, such as nickel or bronze.

Flowers also always provide a bright environment. Placing them inappropriate places can improve the external appearance of your home as much as possible. If you have a garden, even a small one, make sure that the flowers look beautiful and clean. Planting flowers along the entrance is an easy and quick way to significantly improve the appearance of your home.

If you are thinking of building a garage facing the street, it would be more aesthetic to ensure that there is some harmony with the façade of your home. A contemporary house with a very modern look must have a garage that is in the same style.  Thankfully, it’s possible to do.

Install a functional garage door

There is no shortage of new features regarding garages, especially those designed to simplify access to this space used on a daily basis. The first point you can play on to improve the aesthetics of your garage is to choose between the different systems of motorization. This includes overhead garage doors, sectional doors, swinging or sliding. Some systems require a remote control at the wall level at the entrance to the garage.

Others only need a remote control and once the vehicle is inside, the door closes automatically. For modernity, there is perhaps no more advanced than this remote-controlled motorization system. In addition, it is more convenient and greatly facilitates access to this space. It is also safe and gives your garage a new and refreshed look. This is sure to add style and value to your property.

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Moving Into a New House: A Comprehensive Checklist

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Moving into a new house brings with it a lot of excitement. While most people think packing and unpacking are the biggest tasks during this time, this isn’t the case. Real estate law dictates that everything you do once you have moved into your new home makes all the difference.

You will need to get acquainted with your new space and begin working on projects. The faster you do it, the better for you. Procrastination will only make things worse for you.

Of course, you’ll still be so excited about the move and may end up forgetting what you need to do. This is where the checklist comes in.

Are you about to move into a new house? This article outlines some of the things you need to do when moving into a new home.

Walk Through Your House

The best time to do this is when your house is empty. You, therefore, need to do a walk-through of your new home before setting up any furniture and unpacking. During your walk, look to ensure necessary repairs by the previous owner and everything included in the sale is present.

You might also want to ensure everything is in perfect working condition, including switches, outlets, and fixtures. In case you encounter any issues, get in touch with your realtor and enquire about your recourse.

Child/Pet Proof When Necessary

If you have little children or pets, you might want to get down to childproofing almost immediately to ensure everyone’s safety. Ensure you check windows to see if they are securely closed. In addition, make sure that dangerous tools and detergents are out of reach of your young ones.

Figure Out Where Everything Goes

Before moving into your new home, you need to plan where each of your belongings should go. This way, you won’t have to spend the whole day trying to set up things. This is particularly important when it comes to heavy items such as furniture.

Of course, your plan doesn’t have to be permanent. You can make the necessary changes once you’ve settled in.

Ensure Your Utilities Are Set Up

It is always ideal to ensure your utilities are ready before finally moving into a new house. Once you have moved in, it is time to verify that each of them is in proper working condition. Check that the phone, internet, gas, water, electricity, heating, and cooling systems are set up. Now that everything is in place, it is time to contact the local waste management facility to ensure garbage collection from your new house.

Look For the Water Valve and Fuse Box

The water valve and fuse box are the two things whose location you should always know as you will often need them. Identifying their position early will help you locate them in case of power outages or water system hitches.

Deep Cleaning

It is normal to be tired on moving days, so you can choose a deep cleaning day for your house once you’ve settled in. The good news is that there is a guide you could always use to ensure each part of your house is sparkling clean. However, if you have other commitments or are just not one to get hold of mops, you can always hire the services of professional cleaners.

With your house clean, you might want to change locks, your address and finally meet your new neighbors. Moving to your new home isn’t usually an easy feat, but with the help of this guide, you’ll crack the system. Now pop some champagne and enjoy your new environs!

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Best Tips for Selling Your Home

Selling a home is a complicated process that most people do not have experience doing. This adds a lot of stress to the process. There are some things you can do to make the process smoother, even if you have never sold a house before. Here are our top tips to help you sell your home faster and with less worry.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Selling Strategy

Before you can sell your home, you need to decide what selling strategy to use. If you can market your home and negotiate the sale, then you can choose for sale by the owner. This is more difficult and may not result in a quick sale or the highest price.

If you want to focus on other areas of selling your home and moving, then using a real estate agent is the best option. They have the experience and knowledge to help you navigate through the selling experience with the least amount of stress. Companies like Nashville Home Guru know the area, the market, and how to negotiate to get you the best price possible.

Deep Cleaning

The cleanliness of your home is going to have a huge impact on how well it sells. If your house is dirty, potential buyers may not be able to see past that to the good qualities. If you can’t do the deep cleaning yourself, you should hire a company to do it for you.

Areas like your kitchen countertops, shelves, inside cabinets, floors, closets, windows, and basements should be clean and tidy. You don’t want potential buyers to walk through and only focus on the collection of dust on your floorboards and miss out on all the great things about your house.


You want potential buyers to walk into your house and see a clean slate that they can then turn into their home. They will be much more likely to buy if they can picture themselves living there without much effort. This means you should remove pictures and other personalized items from your home. You should also pay attention to political and religious items to make them more neutral. Things like artwork from your children or their toys and collections should also be removed. Your home will sell faster if it is a neutral place.


Making sure the lighting in your home is ideal is a huge thing to consider. People love light and thrive in bright settings. Proper lighting will also show off the good qualities of your house. Natural light is best, so open up curtains and blinds. If there isn’t a lot of natural light, make sure the lights are on and there is plenty to turn on. Lamps or other light sources placed strategically will help it look more appealing.


Even if your home is clean, it can seem dirty if there is too much inside. Remove unnecessary items like furniture and things your family can put into storage to declutter your home. Your home will look bigger and cleaner if it is not packed full of things. This will also help potential buyers picture their own items in the home instead of yours.

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As A Landlord, What Happens When You Default On Your Mortgage?

The housing market has been in turmoil thanks in part to the covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, lenders started panicking and were worried lenders were going to default on their loan agreements. As a landlord, your commitment to paying your mortgage on time will be under threat from various factors, including an inability to rent your property, non-paying tenants, or spiraling costs due to the fluctuations in the market.

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While no one commits to a mortgage thinking they will default, as a landlord, you should be aware of your options should this be the case and know exactly what will happen to both you and your tenants if this happens.

Defaulting on a Mortgage

If you default on your mortgage loan, the lender has the right to demand that you repay the entire outstanding balance, a process known as “accelerating the debt.” If you do not repay the entire loan amount or cure the default, the lender can foreclose. You may have the right to cure (fix) the default under state law or the terms of your mortgage or deed of trust.

In some cases, federal law requires the servicer to wait until you are more than 120 days delinquent on a loan before initiating a foreclosure. The required 120-day delay in initiating a foreclosure also applies in the case of a non-monetary breach of the loan contract, such as failing to pay property taxes and failing to live in the home if the mortgage requires it.

If you are experiencing severe financial issues, you must consult an attorney to assist you in deciding your next option regarding the money you owe and any default action you arel likely to incur. Whether you need a lawyer such as Anchor Law Firm to assist you in bankruptcy proceedings, or you need to explore loss mitigation options to minimize the impact of defaulting o your loan agreements.

What Happens To A Tenant If You Default?

When a landlord is in foreclosure, a tenant cannot be evicted or forced to leave a unit in most jurisdictions in the United States. And, regardless of his financial situation, landlords are not permitted to turn off utilities, change locks, or board up a building.

In general, foreclosures occur when a lender repossesses property from an owner who has failed to make mortgage payments. A lender will file a complaint and summons in court and serves it on a borrower who has not made timely payments to the lender.

When a landlord is in foreclosure, a tenant’s rights and duties under the lease agreement do not change; rent still has to be paid. The landowner, or an appointed Receiver, should then continue to manage and maintain the property instead of the landlord. The court will appoint a receiver in cases where the landlord is unable to perform their duties. Typically this will be temporary.

A Receiver is responsible for giving notice of their management, obtaining the names and addresses of all tenants, providing written notice of the foreclosure and its case number, and providing tenants with contact information for the Receivers.

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Basic and Additional Architectural Services

Architects are very valuable personnel when it comes to the construction of a building. This is because of the wide range of services they provide. Therefore, in this article, we will take a look at the architectural services these professionals offer.

The jobs done by architects are categorized into two: Basic and additional services. We will discuss these below starting with the basic ones.

Basic Architectural Services

These services are those that must be done for each design by the architect. Hence, they are called basic services since they are the architectural services that are contained within the standard architectural contract. Therefore, the homeowner expects the architect to perform all these five services.

Let’s examine them one after the other…

1. Programming

At this point, the architect is trying to figure out the extent of the work that will be designed. There is no drafted design in development. Rather, the building designer is just asking the owner about their desires, needs, and wants. This stage also involves research which will lead to decisions.

The architect mainly acts as a consultant whereby they try to figure out the client’s needs and wants.

2. Schematic Design

After the programming stage, the designer now has an idea of what the owner wants. The next stage then involves sketching and drawing the building’s basic design.

Floor plans, building elevations, site plans are developed here. It will also help to describe the systems within the building such as the structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, HVAC systems.

By the time you are done, a basic schematic would have been designed.

3. Design Development

This involves the refining and fleshing out of the basic skeletal plan the architect has at hand. Evaluation of particular materials that will be used according to durability, price, and beauty is carried out at this point.

You cannot carry out this phase alone as you will require the input of the homeowner. They will be the ones to choose what materials they prefer albeit based on your recommendations (if they so decide to follow them).

After all the selections have been made, the full design would have been acquired.

4. Construction Documents

The architect will then submit two sets of the completed design. Details and other elements within the design are contained in the documents.

5. Construction Administration

This service involves site visits, inspections, and materials testing. The architect ensures that the right materials are used. Hence, he acts as a supervisor.

While this has been debated whether it is basic or not, many designers still include it in the contract. Therefore, there must be an agreement between the client and the engineer if this will be part of the basic service or not.

Many owners require the help of a building project supervisor as they lack the experience to do it themselves. Hence, their most preferred choice is the architect. Visit to learn more about a site supervisor and his duties.

Additional Architectural Services

This set of services is not included in the basic contract. Architects who know how to provide these services tend to win more clients due to their wide expertise. It also creates more revenue for the professional.

We’ve listed some of these additional services and discussed just a few of them. Please, note that the list is not exhaustive in any way.

  • Record Drawings
  • Sustainable Design
  • Urban Design
  • Negotiating/Bidding/Price Discussions
  • Project Management
  • 3D Renderings
  • Feasibility studies
  • Mixed-Use Architecture
  • Site selection
  • Building Condition Audits
  • Full-Time site Representation
  • Electrical Schematics
  • Cabinetry Elevations
  • Multiple Contract Preparation
  • Interior Design

Negotiating/Bidding/Price Discussions

The architect can help the owner in negotiating and price discussions as the owner might not know anything about the cost of building materials.

Project Management

This is another service that can generate revenue for architects. With their understanding of the building construction process, they can serve as the managers of the project.

Some managers charge by the hour while some charge a flat rate because the nature of the project cannot be accurately determined before it begins.

3D Renderings

These days many architects know how to render buildings in 3D models. Such models allow the client to see the building’s replica albeit in a smaller size. The 3D design is not part of the schematic design. Click here to learn how to model your house in 3D.

Site Selection

The land upon which a building is situated affects how the building will be built. An architect can help an owner determine which site imperfect for the building they have in mind.

What if the land has been bought you might ask? Well, the designer can equally advise the client on what spot of land is best for the building.

Interior Design

With the creative mind of an architectural engineer, it isn’t a surprise that many of them provide interior design services. We recommend that the engineer should be responsible for the design of the house from start to finish. It allows for a more holistic project.


Architects could be said to be the jack of all trades as far as building construction personnel are concerned. When hiring one, apart from the basic services, ask them what other additional service they can provide. It will surely save you some money.

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Choosing a Custom Home Builder in Oakland County

You may feel that this is the perfect time to stop renting and buy a new home. You may have an apartment chosen in the metropolitan because it’s near where you work, or you may have to deal with relocation and move to a different house. Regardless of the reason, this is the perfect time for you to try something new that goes according to your tastes. Learn more reasons to buy a house on this site here.

Many are having a hard time choosing when buying an existing house or building everything from scratch. Some want to move right away but hunting for an existing property is complicated. Aside from this, they may make a few compromises as well as do repairs in the older home.

If you’re one of the homeowners who are looking for the right property, you know deep inside you that the perfect one is something that comes with the specifications that you wanted. You may have dreamed of a three-bedroom townhouse in Oakland County and a nursery where the baby is at night.

Setting your sights in a custom house is perfectly fine. What you need is to look for builders who will customize everything for you. You may be wondering whether you can do all of the work and take the DIY approach. However, the outcomes may not be ideal for you.

Why You Should Contact a Custom Home Builder

  1. Your House is Built for YOU!

The interior design of the living room, floor plans, number of baths, and personalization are all made according to what you want. Custom builders will give you the materials you need, whether for oak planks or granite counters. You are not required to settle for less than you deserve and something that is considered a “kind of work.” Instead, you get everything done, and you can say that your property is a clear extension of who you are. Know more about the different types of property here:

  1. Get Everything in the Right Location

The plot of land where you would like your house and gardens to be situated is all up to you. Everything can be planned up to minor details. Some would want their doors to face the sun when it rises, and others wanted to build near the lakes for their vacation homes.

In some cases, many have found out that the existing houses that they have purchased may be too outdated, and they have to demolish everything. This incurs additional expenses and tearing down the walls will take extra time. You will have many options when you’re building custom homes, and a fantastic outcome can be achieved with the help of the right builders.

  1. Low Cost of Maintenance

One of the advantages of buying everything new is that you won’t have to do maintenance on them for a few years. This is additional savings on your part and lesser headaches. The floors are long-lasting, as well as the roofs. The HVAC appliances will work fine for decades, and the electrical connections will be built according to the current council’s regulations to prevent fire.

A quality-built home can outperform a cheap one. You’ll get the quality from the initial investment, and you won’t have to spend more money for the next few months. The results of your investments will also be more visible with the help of some experts like the Trademark Building Company that uses advanced techniques for a more efficient home in general. Another benefit is that home warranties are generally included in the package.

  1. Have More Control

Custom homes will give you a lot of decision-making options. You can decide every aspect of the façade, room, materials, and finishes. You’re more in control, and you choose the colors according to what you want to see in the coming years. This is your home, so it’s just right that you get the driver’s seat for everything.

The building process will be a challenging yet fun journey that will let you learn more about the home’s inner workings. Overall, the results will be more than satisfactory, and you will feel that you helped a lot to make everything happen. Get in touch with the best builders in Oakland Country for more information about how you can start building your dream home.

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The advantages of hiring a property agent

Hiring a property agent to sell your home may not be your first port of call when trying to sell. However, you should consider doing so. Not only will you have the skills, expertise, and knowledge of a professional in your corner but also, they will do all the hard work. Asking prices for houses when they hit the market is generally unnatural and not reflective of what people are willing to pay. That’s why letting an expert decide on a fair asking price for your house is well worth it.

Comprehensive report of the property

Property buyers agent in Sydney are well versed with all the ins and out of the property industry. They have complete data related to every available piece of property, its nature, the area, the location within it, and all other details. Whenever you need any kind of information regarding properties, you can directly contact them for all kinds of details. These people usually search their properties for a buyer or a seller as per your requirement. They handle both ends – brokerage from the seller’s end and finding a buyer on their end. This valuable service has helped many in the past and can definitely help others also going forward.

The property selling market is broadly filled with property agents working as partners with the owner to sell the property at a good rate. They have detailed information about the property and have excellent negotiation experience in the industry. Due to this reason, they have so many followers and demand a handsome fee for their work. They know how to make full use of such situations and help their client if they hire them.

Decision making will be easier

Having a qualified property agent is even more important to a landlord, for it gives him an idea of what his property can be worth and whether it is worth buying at the current market value or not.

There may be instances wherein property owners may find it hard to decide whether or not their residential apartment deserves to be leased out. When a property owner has a good agent, he will help him make the right decisions without compromising his own investment in the long run. Like any business transaction type, having an agent at hand will help property owners settle deals faster and give them ample time to attend to other things.

A great time-saving source

When I first tried to sell my property, I spent so much time on the phone with real estate agents that it added stress to the process. It wasn’t until I found a good real estate agent that things began to go well. When you hire a good realtor, they can handle most of the communication with potential buyers and find out if they are serious buyers or just looking for information.

Your real estate agent will spend his time and effort in finding potential buyers for your property. Then, you can stand back and let him do it. When he doesn’t get any bites, he will ask you to reduce the price of your house to entice buyers. This way, you won’t lose money at any point and can continue to hold out until you finally get the best deal possible.

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How to make a new home safe for all ages

Buying your dream home is exciting, but with that excitement comes the unknown. A new home can have unknown dangers, especially to younger children and senior citizens.

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best ways to make a new home safe for all ages.

1) Remove loose flooring.

According to Taking Care 30% of people over the age of 55 will have a nasty trip or fall while at home. For the older population, this can be deadly and can result in broken bones and life-threatening injuries.

To avoid trips and falls in the home you should replace any loose flooring as soon as possible. You should also check to see if the flooring is all level and no tiles are sticking out.

2) Install good lighting

Lowly lit homes can be a problem in a new home and if your home doesn’t have good lighting you should replace the lights right away. Having bad lighting is another way of making your home unsafe for those who will live in it.

3) Keep your tools locked away

For younger children having tools within reach is dangerous. If you are purchasing a new home and will be doing DIY to it be sure to put your power tools out of reach. If you have a garage then put the tools into storage and put them out of reach.

If you don’t have a garage put them in a locked container and keep them away from your children. Power tools can cause damage even when they aren’t turned on so being out of the way can make your home that little bit safer.

4) Add smart features to your home.

Smart features can include a wide variety of products. One product that can make your home safer is a thermostatic mixing valve and while this sounds complicated it really isn’t. A thermostatic mixing valve can limit the temperature of the water that comes out of your taps.

Limiting the hotness of your water is going to ensure that the younger and older people who live in your home can’t burn themselves. A thermostatic mixing valve still allows you to take warm baths but stops you from scalding yourself.

5) Install grab bars and rails

Older people tend to slip and fall in the home when adequate support isn’t available. You can install features such as grab rails or even walk-in baths which make bath time easier for the older population. Grab rails are inexpensive and when installed in the correct areas within your home not only make your home safer but also make your home easier to get around.

6) Install an alarm system

An alarm system can be installed within a new home to not only put potential burglars off from targetting you but the more expensive ones can automatically call the police in the event of a home invasion.

An alarm system should be installed in all homes as it protects your family and they are simple to set up and don’t cost too much either.

7) Remove rugs

When moving into a new home it’s exciting to decorate one out, when doing so you should take into consideration the ages of the people who will live in your home. A rug, for example, can become loose and slippery. If you have younger children at home or older adults a rug can be dangerous to them.

Remove the rugs and wear better-fitting shoes to be as safe as possible when moving around your home.


A new home is exciting, but it can be dangerous. With the tips above you should now have a better idea of how you can keep your family safe while at home.

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Four Ideas to Modernize Your Backyard

The sun has finally arrived, and many of us are slightly annoyed that we didn’t take some of the extra time we found ourselves with in 2020 to update our backyards. However, starting a full redesign project now isn’t the best idea since you want to be enjoying your outdoor space, not turning it into a builder’s yard. If you want to modernize your backyard without having to dedicate weeks of your time, you might want to try out these neat little additions:

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Quick and Easy Deck Installation

If you keep window shopping for outdoor furniture and yearn for a place to put it to relax in the sun, consider investing in the latest trend in garden DIY. Rather than having to spend hours measuring, cutting, and installing a new deck, interlocking deck tiles are a great alternative. These can be found in many different styles and colors, including acacia wood which is naturally resistant to UV rays, moisture, and insects, which means it’ll also be long lasting. There is no need for tools with these; simply clip them together and you’ve got a brand-new deck in an instant.

Add a Cactus Garden

Not all of us are blessed with a green thumb, and if this describes you, you’ve probably got more weeds than you have plants. Although it sounds like an arduous job pulling up all the weeds, you’ll be giving yourself a blank slate to start with once you’re done. Instead of replacing them with needy plants that need constant water and attention, consider installing a cactus garden. These can easily be planted in your lawn’s edging or a rocky area of the yard. Surround them with gravel and leave them to their own devices. Now you have a modern-looking yard with little maintenance required.

Install a Sophisticated Drywall

Instead of generic wooden edging that also requires some level of maintenance, you can modernize your outdoor space with a retaining wall made of natural stone to combine style and function. These are particularly useful if you have a sloping garden and want to utilize the space better. You can create separate zones for water features, plants, and even a vegetable patch. By using solid stone that is sawn cut to give it a clean look, you can bring your backyard into the 21st century. Check out these great examples of sawn cut hardscapes for some inspiration.

Consider Garden Wall Art

Garden wall art is becoming a huge trend in 2021, and this can include anything from painted murals to laser-cut metal panels and decorative tiling. Customized metal screens are a great alternative to traditional fencing and walls, as they offer security and privacy while letting light through at the same time. You can even include strategically placed lighting on the ground to create different patterns with the shadows when the night falls. Simply search for garden wall art ideas and you will be flooded with ideas.

Modernizing your backyard doesn’t require you to dig it all up and start again. Try a few or all of these ideas!

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